About Antepedia (FAQ)
About Antepedia Knowledge Base (Antepedia KB)
Antepedia is the largest knowledge base of software prior art with over 10 million public projects tracked daily from major public repositories and already thousands of private records through Antepedia Deposit.
Antepedia KB currently contains more than 2 billions of unique software artifact fingerprints.
About Antepedia Deposit
Antepedia Deposit is a service that allows
- to use Trusted Timestamp Services, both in US and EU, complying with RFC 3161, and then give you strong legal evidence regarding Copyright and Patent law.
- to anonymously register your software artifacts to Antepedia KB, the largest software prior art knowledge base, and then support delivery and acceptance phase for your software artifacts through the whole supply chain.
Currently, Antepedia Deposit feature is available through antepedia.com for registration of a single file artifact and through Antepedia Reporter for multi-file artifacts.
About Antepedia.com
Antepedia.com is a public website aiming to offer the newest & most relevant information associated with software artifacts like origin, copyright and vulnerability status. It is a public site where you can search for software artifacts and related projects providing artifact’s fingerprint.
It’s a simple way to check software artifact integrity through the whole software supply chain, and will be the main channel for Antepedia community network.
Here are some examples of results of the search feature for software artifacts:
- Bill of Materials recorded in Antepedia
- File belonging to a recorded Bill of Materials
- Software artifact extracted from public sources.
About Antepedia Reporter®, and its Jenkins plugin for CI
Antepedia Reporter® and its jenkins plugin for continuous integration is the advanced client to build and manage your software bill of materials. It natively supports qualification process thanks to the integration of different scanners than can display information available in Antepedia KB and in your local or centralized catalogs, or extract declarative copyrights and license information from your artifacts based on Fossology (http://www.fossology.org).
Antepedia Reporter® allows you to
- manage your own catalog of qualified components
- enforce your 3rd party license policy
- export customized report
- record a new software artifact in Antepedia and get a unique Antepedia Deposit